
もうそろそろネタないぞと思ってたら案の定浮かんできた。 ひねり出したわけではないし、対象が彼やなくても簡単に浮かんでくるはず! と思いながら土曜日が天気いいことを祈っておく。キタまで出かける予定。

two thirds of it has already gone (its going really faster than i expected 4months ago) whether or not to stay positive or "trust" them while waiting for the time passes by does not seem to make any difference

this time of last year i often had a fever and suffered from it but this year i am suffering from low-temperature i wonder how much i did reckless things last year although i still remember how lovely it was i don't think i could have the …

when i was a student at my uni my sister was complaining that i talked like a foreigner who was learning japanese language because i began to start every sentence with subjects in japanese as well maybe she feels the same if she comes to t…